Saturday, August 6, 2011

YOU are merely a hologram through which others experience life...

YOU are merely a hologram through which others experience life. What kind of life do you want them to experience?

A hologram is a projected three-dimensional image. That is what our brains do with information that has been gathered by our five (six?) senses. In fact, all of our environment is simply billions of particles and waves, moving at incredible if varied speeds. Our brains take in this sensory input, and through a complex process it creates what we experience... the world we know.

It is not quite that simple, as your brain also blends in its memory experience, its genetic memory, as well as your attitudes and biases into the hologram creation process... The net result is your "reality," your experience of life. So everything YOU know, is a hologram. And, it IS different from everyone else's, to the degree that their personal perceptions vary from yours.
Think about that...

It is unlikely you are going to be able to significantly alter the physics (read the particles and waves) of the Universe, so you are limited in your ability to change the experience of another from that standpoint. You also can't change their genetic memory (yet). Your best chance at transforming their "reality" is by causing them to witness something that alters their "personal perception."

It is difficult to shift someone's perception by telling them they are wrong. I think we all see that in action daily. But, through leadership, through doing something that causes them as observers to say, "Hey, that was nice/sweet/cool/refreshing/...enlightening...," you can cause them to alter their thinking, and even cause them to aspire to living a better life. YOU can inspire them. You can also reinforce any and all of their negative attitudes, by providing them with opportunities to say to themselves that their negative personal perceptions are indeed right...

I remember a night when I and two others were invited guests to a professional baseball game by a friend who possessed four season tickets. We were late arriving at the stadium and when we got to our seats, a woman and two of her children were in our seats. I would have simply said, "Hey those are our seats," but our host stepped in and said, "I would never want a woman and her children removed from their seats, so you will be my guests tonight, and my friends and I will watch the game from the concourse." I was STUNNED! I had just witnessed one of the greatest acts of GRACE of my life! How special it was for me to witness and learn how possible it was for us all to treat each other as the spiritual BEings we are. I have been forever changed in my personal perception since that evening.

Since you can have such a very powerful effect in influencing the "hologram" that others create, what kind of life do you want the people surrounding you, observing you, to experience? That is not only a question, it is a challenge...

Today, try to see how all of your interactions appear from the point of view of others and KNOW you are effecting change in their hologram. You can BE God-like, or something less...


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