Saturday, August 20, 2011

LOVE never decreases by being shared...

Many candles can be lighted from a single one, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. LOVE never decreases by being shared...

Most people live in a world of scarcity. It's not because there is a scarcity of anything, but because they perceive that there is. Actually there is enough for ALL...

Scarcity is caused by fear. FEAR is an indicator of spiritual instability. Fear is an umbrella term under which lie all of the negative emotions. Human emotions are not slotted, separate feelings. All of them actually exist on a continuum, where they are relative. Think of Joy and Sadness. These are thought of by many to be different things, but they are simply different ends of the same thing. If something is less sad it is more joyous. Suppose your friend moves away and you feel sad. Now compare this feeling, to how you would feel if this same friend died. You would be much sadder. In relation to this sadness, your feelings about the friend moving away are closer to the JOY end of the spectrum.

The great spectrum of all Human emotions boil down to the FEAR/LOVE continuum. All of the negative emotions are on the fear end, and all of the positive feelings lie on the LOVE end. When your normal/average level of Consciousness is in the fear range, from boredom and monotony, down through pride, anger, and apathy, all the way to guilt and shame, your existence is one of distrust, anxiety and instability. Fear causes feelings of scarcity. Scarcity is a subtractive point of view. A person living in a world of scarcity feels less whenever something is shared. They have less remaining, less to use, less safety...

On the other end, beginning with contentment, and rising through willingness, enthusiasm and exhilaration, all the way up through Joy, Peace and Love, your life experience is one of acceptance, trust, balance and great spiritual stability. Love causes feelings of Abundance. Abundance is an additive perspective. A person living in a world of abundance, knows there is always more, always enough, that the supply of what you need is endless!

Scarcity people believe ironically that even LOVE is finite, that when you give love to another it takes from the love you have to give to THEM. Jealousy, and all of the evils associated with it stem from this. The reality is, the love you give to others only increases your capacity for love. Many candles can be lighted from a single one, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. LOVE is endless. LOVE is the language of God. That's why we say God is ALL-loving.

Loving a rose is not unloving an orchid. Loving the mountains is not lessening your love of the ocean. Loving other people is not hurting your marriage, your friendships or betraying your loyalties. Loving is accepting, allowing, and BEing God-like.

Today, fight off those feelings of scarcity, of inadequacy, of insufficiency. They are figments of your fear. Instead open your eyes to the perfection of the Universe and how everything is in place, as it needs to be. There is enough for ALL...


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