Friday, August 19, 2011

Gratitude is the Alchemy of life...

Gratitude is the Alchemy of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more...

During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance a practice combining chemistry and philosophy, principally concerned with turning base metals into gold, was called Alchemy. A secondary, but no less important quest of Alchemists, was to find the Elixar of Life. Today, a qualified definition of Alchemy, is anything with the magical power to change something of little value into one of great value.

Gratitude, can instantly change your existence from one of boredom, lethargy, apathy, resignation, even downright misery, into one wonder, awe, connection and love! And it's free!!!

Now I hear people say, "Life sucks and then you die," and similar refrains all the time. It is easy to get caught up in that kind of thinking when "everyone else" is doing it. And when you do, when you adopt that kind of belief system, it BECOMES your reality. Why would you do this to yourself? Seriously, if the result of this "stinking thinking" is a stinking reality, why would you choose it? Most likely because you aren't aware you are choosing it. You think it's "real." Actually, it is an attitude you have picked up from the people around you. Since you love many of them, it would never occur to you that they are off the mark. You know the song, "Teach Your Children Well?" Right...

Simply by choosing gratitude as your baseline attitude, your life will change. When you BEcome grateful, your actions will emanate from a grateful place. These actions will bring you more to be grateful about. Here's how. Suppose you are single. Do you think you are going to attract an extremely positive, full of life, grateful spouse, if you are a negative Nellie? You won't. Those people are looking for people like themselves! Your spirit WILL attract another of like spirit, so the answer is no, "No soup for you!" Another example: you instinctively know not to tell a recruiter that you're bitter to have to accept a job for which you are over qualified. You know better. You naturally know how to put your best foot forward. So, why do you choose to do these things to convince others, but you accept and allow a much lesser version of yourself to be your day to day companion? Stop this. Show your best and brightest self to your-SELF! Put on a smile. Think positively. Cooperate with your own existence. Give yourself a helping hand. Create a happy shadow! This is what we mean when we say, "There is no way to Happiness, Happiness is the way."

Do this and your life will radically change. Gratitude IS the modern equivalent of Alchemy, for it turns what we have into enough, and enough is all you need. Gratitude causes life to work with you...

Today, choose a fresh start for yourself. Wallowing is OUT! WONDERMENT is in! Find awe in little things. Marvel at how much is going well. Put a smile on for yourself. Practice BEing thankful and you will receive a life worth living...


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