Friday, June 3, 2011

Your ego is not a team player...

Your soul is the part of you that is the TEAM player with the Universe... Your ego is not a team player...

What happens is what is supposed to happen. Think about that. Why is it that you resist so much of what happens? The answer is your Ego...

Since you're Ego NEEDS to be constantly reinforced it is special, it is continually bristling at everything whether true or imagined that shows its irrelevance. It requires exceptualism, even if one has to wear victimhood to gain notice. When it is not being fed we experience a host of negative emotions; anxiety, annoyance, anger, irritation, worry, etc. Usually this is where we fall back to judgement as a remedy...

Instead of judgement which reinforces separateness try allowance and acceptance. Our soul is interested in cooperation/collaboration/harmony. It's peculiar that we laud team players in athletics, but in living/ politics/finances, TEAM somehow undermines and threatens
"rugged individualism." Team is natural. Individual is artificial...

When you experience any negative emotions, use them as a signal to seek cooperation. Submit to the TEAM...


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