Why are people closed off? FEAR...
We believe we can manage the pain of being hurt if we slow the flow of love. This is somewhat like trying to manage disease by not eating. And, this focus on the "hurts" of the past is one of the prime reasons we are not "in" the present as well.
We are surrounded by stories of "tough old birds" and the like, and are actually encouraged by our culture to become one. "Suffer in silence," "Nobody cares," "Big boys don't cry," etc., are constant reminders to close off/shut down/protect yourself...
It may be profitable for the manipulators of society to manage a flock of calloused, non-feeling ex-patriates of the human race, but is this really the life YOU want? If you had the choice of a life of living and giving LOVE would you not jump at the chance? It is in fact RIGHT THERE for the having. It is only your FEAR, and subsequent closing off of your spigot that is preventing it. Imagine the incredible lightness of BEing if you weren't dragging your fears through life...
Today, notice how often you are encouraged to close the spigot, and remind yourself that the only victim of this is yourself. Open that spigot and give LOVE unflinchingly. Don't be contrite, be the light...
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