Friday, July 15, 2011

There are no coincidences. They are messages BEing sent to you...

There are no coincidences. They are messages BEing sent to you from the Universe to help guide you. Notice them. Read them. Live them. BE them..
You walk into a seminar, or a meeting, or the mall, or a bar, and you run in to someone you went to school with 10, 20, 40 years ago. "Wow!" you say, "What a coincidence!"

It is not a coincidence. It is not random... It is ordained. The Universe/God/Tao has put you in contact... Because you each have a message for the other. It may not be easy to dicipher what their message to you is, but there is one. The messenger may actually have reached out to you after a period of being out of contact...same thing, they have a message for you.

Let's suppose this person is a former girlfriend/boyfriend, one you have secretly pined away for, years after having lost touch! What might your message BE? It might BE an answer to your prayers (Law of Attraction). It might be a message to you that you have grown enough to have a successful relationship with this person now. Perhaps it is an opportunity for you to compare and see how much better the relationship is that you are now in with another...and that it is time to let all that go...

A former friend/coworker bumps into you. Amazingly they have recently started a new business that is closely related with yours! What's your message? That you should consider broadening your business to include this person and their expertise? Does this person have information about your business (from the outside) that in critical to your success? Maybe it's a sign that your industry is getting too crowded and you should start to branch out/get out...

Sometimes what appears coincidental is small, and hardly noticable as such. A new client calls for a repair and it turns out they are an avid guitarist and YOU ARE TOO! The Tao has put you together, the Universe has caused what could be labeled as serendipity, but is actually synchronicity, to happen! God is saying, "Focus here..." You've heard of wild animals abandoning an area shortly before a fire, or an earthquake? They're paying attention to and taking their "coincidences" seriously...

Whether these and similar events come to you as a whisper or hit you aside the head, they are to be heeded. The more you begin to notice them the more you will see them as significant memos/bulletins/missives/aids to you. Read them. Dicipher them. Follow them, BE them.

Today BE on the outlook for anything that seems coincidental, and take a moment to reflect on it and regard its true value to you... Your life or life as you desire it may depend on your attention and discernment...


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