Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Do not move when stillness is appropriate...

Do not move when stillness is appropriate...

There is nothing for you to DO...

That is not a typo. I know it goes against everything you've ever been taught, but we are human BEings, not human doings.

You were born connected to everything. It has been documented that newborns are not able to distinguish where they end and everything else begins. But then comes the indoctrination. You are given a name, pumped full of separate identity, and forced to enter the Earthly struggle; for success, for attention, for acclaim, for reward.

You were told you belong to a particular race not the human race, a certain religion and not that spirit is the same everywhere, that you have a narrowly defined ethnic background, instead of that we all evolved from the same woman 160,000 years ago, and on and on and on...


Because it is easier to control you. Because it is easier to instill you with fear. Once you have been convinced of your separateness, the self (the "you" you identify with) is constantly striving to fit in. You strive to conform, to shave, sand and scrape off qualities that you are told are wrong. You begin to apply make-up to your existence, to create a story that is not only acceptable, but is an improvement on you, a story that will show you are superior... You jump onto the merry-go-'round and COMPETE, trying to excel, to beat, to win, to be SUPERIOR...

Alas none of this brings happiness, for happiness is an inside game. You may out-compete all the other "selves" and accumulate a giant hoard (which you will then spend all of your energy trying to keep from the "horde") but happiness will elude you.

If you meditate (in whatever manner appeals to you) enough times to get to the point where you merge with the little blue flame, you can stop reading here. You already know.

If not, happiness will come to those who can begin to see beyond the illusion of separateness, and see that WE ARE ALL ONE... Moving in the direction of connection will lessen the fear and all of the training will begin to fall away. There are powerful forces that have a vested interest in you not doing this; the ones making all the profit off of your work, the ones paid to continue plying you with fear through the media, the ones who on Sunday tell you that you can only experience God through them, and the ones who feel exceedingly SUPERIOR, for their Egos rely upon their separateness...

What can you do? Learn to meditate and practice it daily. Yes, you do have time, for when you "get it" you will truly see there is nothing for you to "do", that all the "doing" is a construct of a world populated by fearful, separate DO-ings and your need to DO is based unpon the expectations you have been brain-washed with from birth. Recognize that stillness, silence, is the voice of the Soul. I say "the" Soul instead of "your" Soul because in reality there is only ONE Soul. It is not "in" you, it "surrounds" you as it does all people, all things, the entire Universe, God...

Today, whenever you notice how you are different from those around you, cancel that thought and replace it with an observation of how similar you are to them. Look for connection and you will begin to see it everywhere. Eventually your "separate" self will dissolve. You Ego will hate it, but the evolution of Consciousness will glide you from YOU to US...


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