Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The more your Unconscious Ego rules you, the more you will only see the Unconcsious Ego in others...

The more your Unconscious Ego rules you, the more you will only see the Unconcsious Ego in others. Seeing their faults strengthens your Ego.

Is Unconscious Ego the most destructive force on the planet? It's right up there on the list. It is probably ruining your own life as well as harming those around you...

In order to understand Unconscious Ego we must first visit unconscious thought. Unconscious thought is when you fully identify your thoughts as YOU, the real you. In reality the thinking mind is simply a tool on your tool belt, one that is great for solving problems, but it is not you. It should be returned to the tool belt when the problem is solved. The true YOU is the BEing BEhind your thinking mind. Most people are so overwhelmed by the cacophany of voices and thoughts in their heads, that they have lost sight of their true self, and have abdicated THEMSELVES to the thinking mind, which by the way is largely conditioned and habitual, playing the same loops over and over. Thoughts like; "You are not good enough," "You're a quitter," "You don't measure up," keep playing and playing and playing... You cannot see the bottom when the water is constantly stirred up...

The Ego is the part of you that doesn't recognize your connection to the Universe. It is always seeking ways to promote itself as separate and thus superior to others. It is strengthened by anything that reinforces its specialness, its uniqueness. It is threatened by anything that increases connection; sharing, consensus, accord or UNITY...

When we combine these two forces we have people who are unable to stop their quest to draw attention to themselves, and their superiority... Imagine these people in positions of power!

The Unconscious Egoist is fully engaged in fault finding, because seeing the faults in others strengthens the Ego. The strengthened Ego feeds on others' faults, and since the YOU that identifies with the thinking mind has no control over your thoughts, this sick cycle repeats...

Have you ever known someone who is always knocking others down as a way of making themselves look better? Unconscious Ego. "He/she is so low-class!" Unconscious Ego. "He's a fag." "She's an airhead." "He's an ass-kisser." "She's clueless!" The Unconscious Ego, striking again and again...

The only step required to end this is to BEcome CONSCIOUS. The moment you BEcome AWARE that there is a BEing, your true self, BEhind your thoughts, when you BEcome the OBSERVER of the thoughts, you BEgin to take control of them. You'll start to notice that they are just thoughts. Once you get in the practice of observing, you will notice how many destructive and Egoic thoughts you're having.

After you put the thinking mind back in the belt, you will BEcome present and you will BE amazed at how easy and nice the flow of living is when uninterrupted by the endless thoughts. You will BEcome pro-active and stop being reactive. Your "reactive" will BEcome "creative." Your life will no longer be dependent on external events. Obstacles will go from being impasses to passing...

Today, try to observe yourself when you engage in conversation. Simply seeing yourself react will be enough. Once awareness BEgins there is no going back...


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