Thursday, September 22, 2011

The negative thoughts associated with judgment are not only attracting negativity in your life, but in everyone's life...

Avoid judgment. The negative thoughts associated with it are not only attracting negativity in your life, but in everyone's life...

What is judgment? Judgment is you believing you know more than God. Judgment is you deciding that the way of the Universe is incorrect, and that YOU know better.

The Evolution of the human species has resulted in a large variety of physical variations. Most of these variations are reactions to a specific climate. People that developed along the equator, faced longer and more intense sunlight. Is it any wonder that they might have developed more melanin in their skin? Or that they would have darker eyes to reflect away much of the brightest rays? As one moves away from the equator and towards the north and south poles, skin tone gets more pale (less melanin), until finally near the poles we have peoples that are white, almost translucent. And since these colder climes experience more low light cloudiness, their eyes developed colors that absorbed more sunlight to be able to see in the gloom... Now who are you to decide that one variation is superior to another? Was the Universe wrong, or are you?

The source of all this judgment is your Ego. In its need to be special and unique it is always fortifying the notion of being separate. It encourages decisions that reinforce separateness constantly. With this feeling of separateness comes the need to be superior, and judgment follows from that. Your Ego needs to judge in order to strengthen itself and its position of superiority. However, the minute you BEgin to see all others as the same as yourself, judgement dissolves and your Ego becomes unimportant. You Begin to see and react to life spiritually. The God in you expresses...

Why is this necessary? Just as positve thoughts attract one another and become more powerful as they do, so do negative thoughts. (All electrical impulses [thoughts] are surrounded by a magnetic field. As impulses align, the strength of their magnetic fields magnify.) When you have a negative thought it strengthens the power of the negative thoughts of others. Mass Hysteria is one example of what happens when negative thoughts are dangerously magnified. Fear is a negative thought that is contagious, because your fear-thoughts align with the fear-thoughts of others. Why do you think powerful people are willing to lose money on media outlets that "fear-monger?" Because the strength of the fear magnifies and can be manipulated for political gain.

God is all things. You are part of all things, therefore YOU are God...and so is everyone else! All things include all that is living, and all that is non-living. Because of this, WE are ALL ONE... When we BEgin to think, speak and act (thought, word and deed) like we are all one, all of our problems will disappear. When we BEgin to see en-masse, that what we do to others we do to ourselves, we will BEgin to BEcome an enlightened society, and live lives worth living... "Whatever you do to the weakest among you, you do to me."

Today, when you notice yourself judging, hold up and say to yourself, "This is me disagreeing with God, and with the Universe. Is this what I really want to be doing?" Recognize, that in judging, your Ego is trying desperately to seem special, and to be important. It is paramount to understand, that none of your judgments has any impact on the truth. But, through strengthening the negative thoughts of others, your negative thoughts strengthen the lies...


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