Friday, October 14, 2011

Imagine others are looking to you for inspiration...

Imagine others are looking to you for inspiration, and your next choice is going to influence theirs...

Neale Donald Walsch (author of the "Conversations With God" trilogy) is a remarkable spiritual BEing, as are we all. The only difference is he wears his spirituality on the outside. He cares. He shares. He inspires. He inspired me today to write this blog. Thank you Neale!

Remember in the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life," when George Bailey is shown by his guardian angel Clarence how life would have been without George's inspirational life, how Bedford Falls would have devolved into the dreaded Pottersville if he hadn't existed? This is not just the plot of a 1946 movie starring Jimmy Stewart, this is the actual plot of life, YOUR life. As much as you like to think you live an inconspicuous existence, unseen, unnoticed and unassuming, you are extremely visible to all you contact and to many whose lives you enter only obliquely.

EVERYTHING you think, say and do has enormous repercussions. When you consider the accretion of events throughout your lifetime, you have had a huge effect. Every thought you have is creative, whether conscious or uinconscious. Every statement you make has even more power, and finally your actions as the third and most powerful element of "thought, word and deed," actually change the course of the Universe. You build with every grain of sand. Each brick you lay adds to the monument of your influence.

Now that you have glimpsed the dynamic effect of your BEing, think for a minute how you have altered the lives and attitudes of others. When for instance, you stand up to a prevailing tradition that simply doesn't fit with "who you are," you not only end the tacit agreement that condoning in silence would promote, you also inspire others. Maybe someone in the circle felt the same way, and your courage inspired them to BEcome unafraid to express themselves too. Another possibility may be that during your daily travels you unknowingly come across a soul who is at the end of their rope. By spreading LOVE and happiness instead of FEAR and dread, you might make the difference, saving a life. Whatever you think, say and do, adds either to the Light, or the Darkness, there is no neutral, only positive or negative.

Take this knowledge then, and combine it with the above mentioned monument you have been building, and consider that each soul you come into contact with is also buidling their own monument! Your inspiration is multiplied by a factor of thousands...

Today, use the knowledge that everything you think, say or do is inspiring someone. You are either going to help them build their monument through your inspiration, or you are going to demolish what they have accomplished so far. Remember they are adding the bricks today, that will be their foundation years from now. Imagine others are looking to you for inspiration, for indeed your next choice is going to influence theirs...


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