Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We're all God's children in any language...

We're all God's children in any language, in any color, in any religion...

The United States is not a Caucasian country, or an English speaking country, or a Christian country. There happens to be lots of white people, but there are lots of non-white people, and there are lots of colors mixed together too. Lots of people speak English, lots of people speak something else, and many people speak English AND something else. There is the Christian god and believers, there are lots of other gods and believers AND there are lots of non-believers. These are simply the facts, so when someone says this is a Christian country they are consciously or unconsciously stating something that is false. When someone states this is an English speaking country, they might desire this to be the case, but it is not. As to race, it is hard to imagine you could actually live anywhere in the country and still think this is a white country, if your eyes are open.

Approximately 72,000 years ago there was a bottleneck in human diversity. The cause is widely accepted to be the Mt. Toba volcanic eruption. Today, most people think Mt. St. Helens when they think of volcanic eruptions (no the volcano at the Mirage Hotel in Las vegas doesn't count). Mt. St. Helens for all its spectacular footage was a blip in volvanic terms. It erupted 1.2 cubic kilometers of earth. Krakatoa, by comparison, in 1883, spewed 21 cubic kilometers. In 1816, we humans experienced the year with no summer and tens of thousands of people in Europe and North America starved to death. This was the result of the eruption of Mt. Tambora, which blew 160 cubic kilometers of earth into the atmosphere and caused a worldwide drop in temperature and a "nuclear" winter for 3-5 years. Mt Toba, by comparison, 72,000 years ago erupted 2,800 cubic kilometers of earth into the atmosphere!

It is said that the climate changes and starvation associated with this super eruption caused the human population to plummet to as low as 1000 people and I've heard estimates as low as 35 breeding pairs... So like it or not, we ALL come from the same group. ALL people on Earth today are gentically 99.5% alike. There is a lot of variety of genetic expression, i.e., skin color, eye color hair color/texture etc., but the person standing next to you is YOU...

Why is this so difficult for people to accept this? It is because their Ego wants to be special, to be better, to be superior. Your Ego identifies with what it decides are superior groups, so it can feel superior. Being white, speaking English and being Christian are the top "Teams" in America, and its "fans" want to keep winning!!! In reality they are extremely fearful that the world is moving on past them, choosing different ways. They are desperately afraid of being out-bred, out-voted and out-moded. The horrific reactions against accepting the first black president in this country's history is example one.

Demographics move along regardless of Egos and fear. Someday soon the United States may be a brown country, or a Muslim country, or a Spanish speaking country. Why should any of this matter? WE are ALL ONE. WE are ALL the same. WE are ALL children of the Universe. It is only our Egos that cause us to think we are separate...

Today, when you witness diversity, accept it, love it, bring it into your heart. When you embrace fully the differences in us you will more fully realize how similar we are. Take the hands of all of your brothers and sisters, for WE are ALL FAMILY, and LOVE each other unconditionally...


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