Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pawns, are simply those controlled by the collective unconscious...

If you don't take charge of your life, you're a pawn of those who do (Pavlina). Pawns are simply those controlled by the collective unconscious...

What is the collective unconscious? Let's begin with what it's made of. The collective unconscious is comprised of thoughts, unconscious thoughts. Thoughts are nothing more than electrical impulses. All electrical impulses have a magnetic field around them. This field is sometimes referred to as lines of flux. This is simply physics. The magnetic field around an impulse is amplified when its lines of flux cross into the flux of another impulse, as long as they have the same polarity. If their polarity is opposite they cancel each other out to the degree of the strength of their individual fields. So thoughts attract like thoughts and repel unlike thoughts. Like thoughts gain power when they band together, as in, "Whenever two or more of you are gathered in my name..." This power actually creates movement of matter and energy. So, thoughts are creative...

Think about that. Your thoughts actually create. "What you think about, comes about..."

Now, how many of YOUR thoughts are unconscious, reflexive repeats of things you've heard, or that are based on your fears/hatreds/frustrations? When YOU tune in everyday to radio or TV, where the show is contrived to stir up those feelings, you are engaging in a creative act. YOUR thoughts, set in motion by the show's host have incredible power! But it is not you who is controlling them, it is the show's host!!! You're creating, but as a tool, a tool of someone else. You might as well be manure, used to fertilize hate.

Imagine when you drive by a group of "illegals." If you feel hatred for them you are adding to the lines of flux of every other person who goes by and hates them. This amplifies the hatred and given enough power, actually causes acts of hatred and atrocities against "illegals." When your thoughts and the thoughts of the other passersby get strong enough, when they become accepted enough to become words, the second level of creation, they have even more power. They have the power to create similar thoughts in others. Given enough attention, they will eventually become DEEDS, the third and most powerful of the acts of creation. Thought, word and deed...

What can you do about this? YOU can BEgin by controlling your own thoughts. It can take a long time to reach a state where you don't keep slipping back down into the place of unconsciousness, the states of apathy, grief, shame, guilt, hatred, anger, and frustration. Most people live their entire lives in this place, so don't berate yourself if you slip back to where it was once comfortable. When you are exposed to something that causes you to react negatively, try to simply pause before reacting, and get into the gap between your thoughts. Get into the gap and observe yourself. Notice that these feelings/thoughts don't really represent you. They are learned responses. Remind yourself, WE are ALL God's children, all equally pleasing and deserving. Stop yourself from simply mindlessly going along with the crowd. Decide WHO YOU REALLY ARE, and express that! Even the thoughts of only one person, in the opposite polarity of hatred, weakens it, weakens anger, weakens FEAR... BE Conscious! Create your own reality with YOUR thoughts. Stop being a pawn for the collective unconscious, that mindless mass of misdirected hate.

Today, observe yourself. Observe others. Notice how many times you hear things parroted back to you, prejudices, bigotry, hate. Resolve to change yourself. Simply doing that alone results in improving the world. YOUR thoughts have power, so aim them where you direct, not where you are directed...


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