Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nature is totally co-dependent...

Nature is totally co-dependent...No part feels superior enough to go it alone...Every element is constantly in a helpful frame of mind..

Except Man...

No other species on Earth has to be told how to act... You've heard the phrase uttered by a mother watching her son in a parade, "Look, everybody is out of step but my John!" WE, are the "my Johns" of the planet...

You can take an ant away from his colony and place him in the same type of colony 1000 miles away and he will accept and be accepted seamlessly.

When slow-motion photography is taken of schools of darting fish, swarms of buzzing insects or flocks of suddenly swooping birds, it always shows they are all voting to cooperate and change TOGETHER for each movement. From insects to primates it is the same, it's in our DNA. The basic element of nature is cooperation and democracy.

Does your right hand ever get into a fight with your left hand? Do your arms compete with your feet? No... This is because you see your body as a whole, a single entity. You recognize that all parts are supposed to work in harmony towards a unified goal.

The contradiction is outside our skin. It is societal, and it is the root cause of our problems....

A toddler of any race or culture will run to pick up something you have dropped and hand it to you. We are genetically programmed to cooperate just like every other species, but we teach each other the opposite, to compete. All of our lives we hear you must, "Separate yourself from the pack," "Winning is the only thing," "Be number one," "WIN!"

Ironically we know this is wrong, because we judge others by the opposite. We say, "He's a team player," "She works well in groups," "He plays well with others," to encourage positve actions. "He's a prima-donna," or "...a loner," or "... a loose cannon" are some of the things said in response to efforts that are uncooperative. We also react negatively to people who are "non-conformists," people who refuse to conform to established customs, attitudes or ideas...

The bottom line is there is a dichotomy here, a wound in our individual and collective psyches. Although the push to teach our children to "out compete" others instead of acting in concert is based on the fear of scarcity and them not surviving drought, famine or other shortages, the truth is we have a far better chance of survival as part of a cooperating group. Why else would we say, "There is safety in numbers?"

Indigenous peoples all over the world value cooperative efforts and distain competitive ones. They are still in tune with nature and recognize they a PART of the whole and not APART from the whole. "Civilized" man tries control with ownership, with hoarding assets, and have built up huge bodies of Law and political ideologies to protect their right to POWER over others...

The next critical step however, in the evolution of consciousness, is for the Human race to re-examine the concepts of competition. Private property, power, hoarding, control of others, in fact all competition, are based on fear not LOVE...

Today, challenge your thoughts when you see yourself reflexively engaging in competition with others. It is holding US back. As Jimi Hendrix stated so beautifully, "When the power of Love overcomes the love of power..."


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