Someone dies, you lose your job, you suffer an injury, plans fall through... What do these have in common? That they cause suffering? Well there is that, but deeper than that they all are elements/events/situations that are part of the physical world, the world of the body.
There is the world of the body, the world of the mind and the world of spirit (soul)...
Most people live entirely in the world of body. They are all about acquiring; possessions, sex, stimulation, power, money, etc. They don't want to THINK at all. "Tell me what to do," "Make it simple for me," etc. are their mantras. They don't even want to experience God directly and abdicate that to some organized religion...
There is a much smaller group who live in body and mind. Their concerns are: creativity, learning, new ideas, personal growth, goals, communication...
The third and by far tiniest group also inhabit the world of the soul; spiritual growth, consciousness, life purpose, personal evolution...
The first group live a "stymied" existence for the most part. Their constant need for more results in them seeing the world as a place of struggle, of scarcity. Even the ones who "have it all" are miserable trying to protect their "hoard." The residents of this group will never experience happiness, only temporary ups and downs tied to accumulation or not...
The second group will find ways of alleviating their suffering through analysis, historical comparison, and rationalization. Their world is infinitely more tolerable, but their happiness is still connected to external events.
The third group recognize that "What is." IS. And know, that what is, is fine and normal regardless of the particular circumstances of any occurrence. We are all ONE, onboard the journey of the Universe. Everything is happening as it must. Happiness is chosen above experiences of the body and mind. LOVE is the motivating emotion, for we are spiritual BEings having a human experience. Happiness is constant.
Today when dissatisfaction creeps in, try to look at the larger whole and see how your "piece of the action" is contributing to a greater movement. Take solace in the fact that you are contributing, and on a remarkable voyage! Understand that suffering is a passing thing. Choose happiness and it is forever...
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