Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Are you giving God a chance to be seen?

Are you using your voice and actions today to give God a chance to be seen?
God is everywhere, omnipresent, and anyone who chooses to look can see God EVERYWHERE... However it is surprising how many people go through their days/weeks/months and never get their Ego in control long enough to even notice...

There is a way to help them SEE THE LIGHT, and that is through YOU and your actions.

The three stages of creation are thought, word and deed. Thoughts are powerful, but words are stronger. Deeds carry more weight yet. God can work miracles through YOU...

Are your deeds helping to turn others towards the light? Are you using your voice and actions today to give God a chance to be seen? Ask yourself what would God do?

Let others see God through you and in you today.


Monday, May 30, 2011

Wealth, like happiness comes as a by-product of providing a useful service...

Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service...

Is the honey bee collecting pollen with which to make honey, or is it cross-pollinating the flowers/plants it is  collecting from? It is doing both...

All elements of nature; plants, animals and minerals work COOPERATIVELY to keep things in balance. The motivation of each species is to stay alive long enough to reproduce. But they all do it in a way that adds to the greater whole. If they are not aware of this consciously it is passed on to them through their DNA. We usually refer to it as "instinct" but it is part of the Universal intelligence, the intelligence that controls all the functions of the Universe!

Only man in his ignorance has decided he is above nature, arrogantly accumulating at the EXPENSE of nature whether it be other species, stores of minerals or even members of is own species! That behavior in another context would be called cancer, cells that were only interested in reproducing and getting sugar for themselves. In that case we send in the white blood cells to put an end to the selfishness!   

View your life as one of service and watch your level of happiness, fulfillment and wealth grow in a NATURAL way...


Friday, May 27, 2011

Our Ego can't accept its irrelevance...

Everything is perfect, but our Ego just doesn’t get that and so creates problems through JUDGEMENT. Our Ego can't accept its irrelevance.

If God is everything and everywhere how could anything be less than perfect? The Universe has been creating and setting the rules for BILLIONS of years, and little ole' you has a better idea of how it should be?

The Ego is in the driver's seat for most folks, and it needs constant reinforcement that IT is necessary and IMPORTANT! People who are not in the NOW are in one of two places, their Egos are dredging up the past and reliving old hurts or their Ego is imagining scenarios in the future, scenarios in which it fails! We call this worry, awful-izing, fear, DOOM!

The way the ego protects itself is through judgement. "This is wrong", "that is disgraceful", "if only this" or the big one, "it SHOULD be..."

So when you hear those and similar things come out of your own mouth, know that your ego is simply finding fault with perfection and trying to be in control, more important than God...

Look for the perfection in all things today...


All determinations are relative, subjective and provisional...

There's no absolute standard to call something true. All determinations for a dominant element are relative, subjective and provisional
We all come from somewhere, a place that is the center of our individual Universe... the place we call home. That home has a set of attributes which make it relative. It also has a set of attitudes which make it provisional.

It is said we are all a product of our upbringing. We are the combination of all of the objects/events/relationships we have been exposed to throughout our lives, combined with the judgements about them we have heard from others and the ones we have adopted for ourselves, therefore we are subjective.

Boston lies on the East Coast of Massachusetts (relative). From its point of view the Yankees are the hated enemy (provisional). A given individual fan may still respect Derek Jeter as an ambassador of the game or depending on his upbringing a fan might think Jeter is overated and a "lucky bastit' who never had to work for nuttin' his whole life!" (subjective).

Given this, it is actually amazing that anyone could imagine that what they thought was true WAS ABSOLUTELY THE TRUTH! But many do... So try to recognize that your own opinion is just as skewed as the skewed someone's you're listening to, and give them a break.

Look to give understanding of another's perspective today...


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Think the world is abundant, and experience abundance...

If you think you live in a world of scarcity, that is what you will experience.Think the world is abundant, and experience abundance...

Often times we feel that we need to accumulate goods/food/money/reputation/etc. out of FEAR that we won't be safe if we don't try to head off calamity through our constant scrimping/hoarding/stockpiling to our cache, our stash... Maybe we experienced a time in childhood when a parent lost a job, or when there wasn't enough money? Even though as it turns out the occurrence was temporary (it had to be temporary, since you're here reading this) we internalized the episode, we set up a lifetime fear of scarsity... But, there are millions of flowers/trees/animals/fish/insects...HUMANS, all thriving on beautiful Mother Earth. This means there has to ABUNDANCE! And abundance means there is enough for ALL!

Some people see there is only one beer in the fridge and say, "Darn, only one left..." Others see the same one beer and say, "Yay, there's still one left!" Some people see lemons and others see LEMONADE! The only difference is the latter choose to see the abundance.

Throw off your fear today and look for the abundance...


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Starting from a neutral place...

Give more attention to the neutral things, build equanimity. It helps to encounter events starting from a neutral place.

Have you ever felt like the world was spinning around out of control? Perhaps you've heard people say they just want to get off the Merry-Go-Round? You are not alone...

The dizzying, whirling, agitated, always running behind, running on empty feeling is the result of the pressurized world we live in. YOU have to put your shoulder to the wheel, YOU have to show up on time. YOU have to keep up "appearances"... all the while keeping the family fed, getting them to shool/soccer/music lessons/church! And YOU have to accomplish it all with a smile on your face!

Every once in awhile you see/meet/observe someone who seems untouched by the stress. They get everything done...with aplomb!  How?

They have reached a state of equanimity. They don't dwell on the lows, nor do they get too high. They return quickly to the mid-point. Begin by focusing on the neutral things; the plain, simple objects and events of life. Concentrating there will pull you away from the "doldrums" and stop you from going over the top... Experience the beauty in no-thing, the hush of simplicity.

Look today for the neutral things around you and let them calm you...



Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Look for the Angels in the things you hate...

The things you hate about life are the things that teach you what you love about life. Embrace the things you hate as your teachers...
It is said that God sends us nothing but Angels. What do we mean by that? Obviously we're speaking metaphorically when we say Angels, but how can "bad " things be mentioned in the same sentence as Angels?

Here's how. Without darkness there can be no light. Without up there can be no down. Without honesty there can be no dishonesty... We are able to recognize conditions/attitudes/events because in relation to their opposite they become clear. Everything you experience gives you a clear vantage point and an opportunity to decide who YOU are in relation to the experience. Witnessing an unkind act, allows you to decide that you are not going to be unkind when given the chance. Thus the unkind treatment you observed taught you clearly who you are not, and so very clearly who you ARE.

Look for the Angels in the things you hate...


Monday, May 23, 2011

Aim for the Natural Seams in life..

Daily meditation keeps your spirituality honed and sharp, but as the butcher cuts between the bones, aim for the natural seams in life...

We sometimes feel that there are nothing but obstacles in our path. It is well during these moments of exasperation to take a cue from the river. The river's goal is to FLOW. Your goal is to flow WITH life.

Often our struggles are caused because we are trying to do things the "right" way. But what is this "right" way? Where did it come from? Did you decide this for yourself or is it something you have learned/absorbed/adopted from what your family expects, or what your friends expect, or just that "it's always been done that way"? Most of these "right ways" that are the expectations of others, were passed on to them. They have not examined them, they simply have passed them on to you.

When a rock falls into the path of the river, the river simply goes around it with no hesitation. It doesn't say, "Oh, I wanted to go the other way..." It simply finds the natural seam and FLOWS into it.

Look for the Natural Seams in your life and FLOW with it...


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Life is larger than you...

All that is required to be free from fear is to accept that whatever happens is normal and fine...allow life to be larger than you...

We all think and see from an egocentric perspective, at least until the first glimmer of awareness shows us that we are simply a part of a greater whole. This awareness is an opening up to consciousness or as some might say conscious living.

Our culture/society/upbringing teaches us that we are separate, separate from each other, separate from other groups, other religions, political ideologies, races, countries etc. It is easier to divide and conquer that way, no? As tiny separate units (of fear) we can be easily controlled/led/manipulated/coerced... confused... The truth is we are all ONE, just small units of the Universe. Temporary manifestations of the Whole, no different than a raindrop is 100% rain...

Begin to notice your connections to all..
